8 Proven Ways to Improve Growth on Instagram

Instagram has grown enormously over the years with nearly 1.5 billion by 2019.

Content and visuals are highly attractive on Instagram than any other networking sites and so that it has high rate of user engagement.

It seems that more than 85% of users on Instagram follows business and brands and is still increasing till date making Instagram more useful
for business owners.

Below down the post, I am going to read out to you on the 8 tactics that you should consider for your Instagram page growth.

1. Consistent Blog Posting:

Always keep consistency. post high quality and engaging content consistently at least once a day. This may help you to reach more audience and improve both the followers and engagement rate.

According to me, the consistency you keep on your posting activity will get your account more likes, comments to engage and followers.

2. Engage with Audience:

When doing the first step, your posts will reach more audience and will bring back comments to you. A high level of interaction with the user will improve the user engagement rate as they will remember your business.

Reply to all the comments made by the audience. Keep them engaged in a chat by asking opinion, question and complementing them. 

Also to remind that do make some comment on other post/business on your niche. This may make the other business to view your profile.

3. Theme Based Post:

If you take big brands, they will always follow a theme on posts and logo. for example take, Hubspot or say Sorav Jain (A Social media expert). Take a look at their post.Hope you will get an idea and at-last look at our account too. Keep the color and content related to the business.

4. #Hashtags:

Everyone knows that Instagram has a cool feature of infinite scroll in search option and even I use it more than using home feed. Use and have hashtags for you business. Instagram is very popular on Hashtags and it will make the post reach more audience.

Hashtags boosts the post reach in the niche and use of good relevant hashtags will get more followers and visibility to the business.

5. Like Photos and Videos in your Niche:

Its always good to stay in a niche rather than getting lost. By liking photos and videos of other businesses in your niche, you could probably increase your followers. The other business will tend to visit your content/profile if they see your like or comment.

6.Call to Action:

For every two to three post drive the audience to take actions after reading the post by having a call to action. Example of call to action are linking web-page to the post (or) linking it to product/service page to complete a purchase.

Mention your website on your profile and always drive followers to your profile to click on the link which is mentioned on your Instagram profile.

7. Use Stories, Videos and IGTV:

In today’s world, Videos are making more impact and engagement than any other form of media. I highly recommend you to use videos blog for your business. You could simply make interactive videos (or) audience review videos and post them as a post.

Using curative content on Instagram stories to share your post earlier to your followers makes the audience to visit your profile and follow you.

Good use of Instagram stories, videos and IGTV will leave a big impact on your business.

8. Use Geo Tags and Collaborate with Influencers:

Always Geo Tag your post. Add location so that the post will gain more visibility in that location.

Collaborate with other local influencers in your niche will gain popularity among the Business.

All these tactics brings in more visibility, engagement and plays a vital role in growth your Business brand.

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