Basic of Digital Marketing Techniques

Digital Marketing“, the term itself describes that the marketing activities and engagements of a business/product/service is held in a Digital Space by use of Internet.

The ability to reach customers all over the world or by  means of targeting certain type of customers, from anywhere with internet connection and knowing some skills in Digital Marketing.

It is also stated as the marketing effort that you put in for marketing your product or service via digital platform.

Main Types/Techniques in Digital Marketing:

Content Marketing


Amazing content is the core for every marketing activity. Content decides the future of a Business.

Creating Valuable content which is relevant, distributive and useful for targeted audience is called as content marketing.
In implementing a Content Marketing strategy, the business should target the audience with consistency and must make them take actions like read more, buy now,book now and more.

Top brands in the world are able to maintain their content management strategy to sustain their lead.

Content marketing plays vital in implementing other digital marketing activities like search engine optimization, social media marketing, paid advertising etc.

Content marketing consists of many types and here we mention some of those,
1. Blogging
2. Article writing
3. Video Blogging
4. Info graphics
5. e-books and more.


social media marketing


In the real world, Social media is active everywhere. Almost everyone is using social media platforms. Social media is becoming more popular for both Branding a business and driving an e-commerce platform. Hence we may also find advertisements (or) promotions running in our phone too. Activities done for a business in social media platforms to engage with customers are Social media marketing activities.

Social networking websites like Facebook, LinkedIn and more allow individuals, businesses and many organizations to interact and exchange services with one another. It builds business relationships online. When companies/businesses join social channels, audience can interact with them directly.

A good Social media campaign helps in

1. Raising brand awareness and business visibility.

2. Building customer loyalty.

3. Driving site traffic and sales.

4. Improving feedback by Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.,



The most important of all Digital Marketing activities to grow business organically.

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, important type of Digital Marketing activity which defines the process of driving quality traffic from organic, search results on the search engines.

Optimizing the website content for search engines is the best way to increase the traffic which will only grow over time. Without search engine optimization, your business will not be visible on the Internet.

Example: I did complete SEO activities for one of my US clients from start to end and it took me almost 3 months to bring organic traffic to the website.

SEO activities include, 
1. Keyword Research and competitor analysis
2. Optimizing your website titles, description and loading speed that is On – page optimization.
3. Building relevant and quality backlinks.



Pay per click advertising is an online advertising model that works on the internet worldwide. 

In it, marketers pay a fee every time people/audience click on their ad. In other words, it is process of driving traffic to your site by paying some fee to search engine.

It’s a method of Search engine marketing and affiliate advertising.

In real world, i strongly recommend to use Pay per click advertising along with SEO activities. This type of Digital Marketing activity improves your website quality thus also improving site ranking on Google. 

Use Pay per click if,

1. You offer services.

2. Runs a E-commerce website.



Search engine marketing is done aiming to increase the visibility of a website in search engines by using paid methods i.e. Social media advertising, Paid advertising. 

In simple words, they are Google ads, Facebook ads.

You may end up ask us that “how could I recognize an ad in search results?”. Here, in search results you will find an “Ad” symbol under the URL displayed. 

Also that, the highest bid page will be up in first on Google searches.

Combining SEO with SEM, it may result in driving quality traffic to your website. Get ready to put yourself in front of the audience whom are looking out for the services that you provide.

Affiliate marketing


Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways where people make money online. If your affiliate program runs successfully with decent visibility and traffic, you will be able to earn passive income from it.

Basically, affiliate marketing is a type of digital marketing where a business owner runs a website and partners up with other services or products and help them drive sales by having a link to their website thus earning commission from sales. 

Let me tell this clearly, you have a website in product reviewing. You place a link external to the product shopping page. When a customer clicks your link and goes on to purchase he product on the website, you will earn a commission. 

Example: You run a product review website and refer it to Amazon.

1. Product reviews

2. Amazon Affiliate

3. eBay affiliate.

email marketing


Email marketing is one of the interactive and easy method of Digital marketing.

It is the process of creating email for promoting services (or) products (or) subscriptions. Email marketing builds engagements between customer and business owners. 

Even now, I receive email newsletters of some blogs that i frequently read. I engage with it everyday. For real, I have subscribed a Digital marketing blog and i get email to update myself.

Here are some Email marketing campaign examples:

Email Subscriptions, Newsletters, Push Notifications.

Unlike Traditional Marketing, where you have to pay lots of cost for advertisements to get / reach customer about your product thus leading to sales. But in Digital marketing, one will spend quite less amount compared to traditional marketing to reach the customers all over the worlds and generate leads.

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